
Accounting, Tax & Bookkeeping for Businesses

Pay less taxes, stay tax compliant & avoid unnecessary tax penalties

We Help Your Business To

Pay Less Taxes

We'll make sure you only pay your fair share of taxes and not a penny more. Thanks to our advanced tax planning strategies.

Stay Tax Compliant

All your tax returns are submitted on time, everytime. Say goodbye to SARS chasing you for unsubmitted tax returns.

Avoid Tax Penalties

No more letters of demand from SARS. No more threats of legal action against your business because of unpaid taxes


We don't bind you with long-term contracts. You pay month-to-month and you can cancel anytime with NO HASSLES and NO CANCELLATION FEES. 


R4 999

Per Month

Monthly Bookkeeping

Monthly Management Accounts
(Profit & Loss Statements)

Annual Financial Statements

Income Tax Returns

Provisional Tax Returns
Tax Clearance Certificate
Professional Tax Advice
COID/WCA Returns
Payroll (incl. Payslips, Leave Management)
EMP 501
(incl. IRP5 Certificates)
VAT Returns


R3 999

Per Month

Monthly Bookkeeping

Monthly Management Accounts
(Profit & Loss Statements)

Annual Financial Statements

Income Tax Returns

Provisional Tax Returns
Tax Clearance Certificate
Professional Tax Advice
COID/WCA Returns
Payroll (incl. Payslips, Leave Management)
EMP 501
(incl. IRP5 Certificates)

VAT Returns


R2 999

Per Month

Monthly Bookkeeping

Monthly Management Accounts
(Profit & Loss Statements)

Annual Financial Statements

Income Tax Returns

Provisional Tax Returns
Tax Clearance Certificate
Professional Tax Advice

COID/WCA Returns
Payroll (incl. Payslips, Leave Management)

EMP 501

(incl. IRP5 Certificates)
VAT Returns

Siyabonga Mpanza (BAP) SA
 078 088 4480
 Click here to schedule a meeting/call

Contact us to discuss a tailor-made plan that is guaranteed to be the best fit for your business

Still not sure which plan is the best fit for your business?

Financial Health Report

‌Report That Shows The Various Monthly Targets That You've Set For Your Business.



Shows You Targets That You've Achieved, As Well As Those You Still Need To Improve On

Awareness Of Overall Business Health

Valuation Report

‌‌Report That Shows The Value/Worth Of Your Business.



‌Share valuation estimates with banks, investors and credit institutions

‌Track changes in business valuation over time

Business Funding Pack

‌‌‌Pack Of Reports That Are Specifically Designed To Help Your Business Acquire Funding.



‌‌Boosts Your Funding Application When Approaching Banks, Investors and Other Lending Institutions.

Selected Plans Include:

Payroll Only


Per Employee, Per Month

Private Accountant

Payroll (incl. Payslips, Leave Management)

EMP 501
(incl. IRP5 Certificates)

Monthly Declarations To The Department of Labour

COID/WCA Returns

Professional Tax Advice

SARS Account Maintenance

Vat Submissions Only

R1 500

Per Month

Private Accountant
VAT Return Submissions

Sars Vat Audits

Professional Tax Advice

SARS Account Maintenance

Pay Less Tax, Stay Compliant, Save Time

Accounting & Tax Services

for small to medium sized businesses

Pay Less Tax & Avoid SARS Tax Penalties

with our video mini-course

As a business owner you know that the South African Revenue Services (SARS) are the last people whose bad side you want to be on. We've created a video mini-course that will help you avoid paying more tax than you should for your business and also to avoid unnecessary tax penalties.

Does Your Business Have A Tax Debt With SARS?

If your business has a debt with SARS or The Department of Labour, we can assist. The reality is that SARS has every legal right to, not only to take money from your business through your bank, but also go after your personal assets in order to settle your business tax debts.

Does Your Business Have Employees?

So here's the problem, you're probably not sure which payroll tax returns your business is required to submit. This will lead to your business incurring penalties from SARS and The Department of Labour. If your business has employees then we can help make sure that your business never pays more than it's fair share of payroll taxes, stays tax compliant and avoids penalties from SARS and The Department of Labour.

You have 3 options when choosing an Accountant

Option 1: Hire an accountant as an employee
Problem with this is that it's more costly. Qualified and experienced accountants usually earn market-related salaries in the tune of R30K to R40K per month. Another problem is that you have to manage them. They also take leave, get sick or go on strike like any other employee.
Option 2: Hire a cheap accounting firm

Well in the accounting & tax business, you get what you pay for. Cheap accountants know their worth (or lack of) and that's why they are cheap. The problem with cheap accountants is that, while you might save on price, you end up paying more in taxes and SARS penalties for late submissions and other incompetencies. This is because thy hire inexperienced staff to keep costs down for themselves

Option 3: Hire a premium accounting firm

While this type of accounting firm charges a bit more than the cheap accountants, the quality of work is levels apart. That's because this accounting firm focuses more on hiring qualified & experienced staff. That's our philosophy at The PTY Guy. We hire qualified, experienced and competent staff so that you receive high levels of quality in the work we do for you.

We Are Awesome At Our Work

Over the years we've helped many small business owners to accomplish their business goals. Here are some of our statistics to date.

Financial Statements

New Company Registrations


Customer Satisfaction


How We Work

We Help Your Business To Pay Less Taxes

Step 1. Strategy Call/Meeting

Here we discuss your businesses accounting and tax needs. We then tailor-make a plan that will help you minimize tax, save time and stay compliant with government regulations

Step 2. Get Paperwork In Order

We're getting excited now because you're about to be part of our family. We then take care of the paperwork i.e Service Level Agreement, Debit Order Mandates etc

Step 3. Onboarding

Awesome...You're now part of The PTY Guy family. We introduce you to your professional and friendly dedicated accountant. We then get you set up on our cloud systems (the nuts and bolts of our operations). Then we get to work

Pay Less Tax

We'll make sure you only pay your fair share of taxes and not a penny more. No more unnecessary late tax penalties.

Stay Compliant Always

Your tax returns are submitted on time, everytime. You won't lose out on a prospective client because of non-compliance. And also no more penalties for non-submission of tax returns

Save Time

You didn't start you business so that you can spend 1/3 of your time capturing invoices and trying to figure out tax laws. We'll help you focus on growing your business and leading your operations team

More Than A Decade Of Experience

We have more than a decade of experience removing accounting and tax headaches from small & medium sized businesses

Predictable Monthly Fees

Our monthly fees are fixed and therefore more predictable. There are no suprises at the end of month

SAIBA, SAIT & SARS Accredited

Our practice is accredited by the Southern African Institute of Business Accountants, as well as the South African Institute of Tax Professionals. We are also registered as SARS Tax Practitioners

Services Explained

Monthly Bookkeeping

This includes recording every financial transaction that occurs in your business ie. rent, salaries, stock purchases etc. Let's be honest, number crunching is a daunting task that needs to be left to the professionals. We take that burden away from you so that you don't ever have to do number crunching but still keep your books up to date.

Monthly Management Accounts

These are monthly financial reports that show you how your business performed during any given month. These reports are very helpful in comparing sales figures, expenses and other data on a month to month basis. They also help with controlling business costs by enabling you to make better decisions on how to make improvements where needed therefore making your business more profitable. These reports are also needed by banks when you're applying for any form of credit/finance.

Annual Financial Statements

These are annual financial reports that show you how your business performed during any given year. These reports are very helpful in comparing sales figures, expenses and other data on a year to year basis. These reports are also needed by banks when you're applying for any form of credit/finance.

Income Tax Returns

These are annual declarations of income and expenses to SARS in order to determine how much tax is due to SARS. It is a legal requirement for all companies to submit their tax returns even if there was no trading activities nor profit made during the financial year.

Provisional Tax Returns

These are similar to Income Tax Returns but these are done bi-annually. They are also a legal requirement by SARS even if there was no trading activities nor profit made during the financial year. They are used to estimate what your tax will be for the entire year and divided by two so that the entire years taxes are paid in two instalments instead of one large lump sum payment. 


PAYE stands for Pay As You Earn which is basically a tax on your employees salaries which you have to deduct from your employees salary and pay over to SARS. UIF stands for Unemployment Insurance Fund which is basically a form of insurance so that if your employees lose their employment with you for whatever reason, the government can compensate these employees for a period of six months while they look for other employment. They contribute 1% of their salary and the employer contributes the other 1% of the employees salary. All employers are required by law to register for UIF. SDL stands for Skills Development Levy. This is an encouragement by the government for employers to develop their employees skills. This is only applicable once total salaries paid to employees within a 12 month period exceed R500 000.

VAT Returns

After registering for VAT, SARS requires you to submit VAT returns bi-monthly. This is where you declare the VAT you charged customers and also claim the VAT that you paid. If the VAT you charged customers is larger than the VAT you paid to your suppliers then you would have to pay the difference to SARS. If the opposite were the case ie. the VAT you paid to your suppliers was larger than the VAT you charged your customers then SARS would refund you the difference.

COID/WCA Returns

These are returns that are submitted to the Department of Labour, annually. COID stands for Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases. This helps your employees to receive some sort of compensation (from the government) if they were injured or developed and diseases as a result of carrying out their work duties. WCA stands for Workmens Compensation Act, which is just an Act that governs COID. These two terms are used interchangeably. It is a requirement by law for every employer to be registered for COID.

Tax Clearance Certificate

This is a certificate that shows that you are compliant in all your tax affairs. This is required by government departments should you wish to do business with them.

Monthly Employee Payroll

This includes the calculation of employees salaries, preparation of their payslips and leave management on a monthly basis. It is a legal requirement for all employers to provide payslips to all their employees

EMP 501 Returns

These are bi-annual salary reconciliations that are required to be submitted to SARS.

Professional Tax Advice

We are registered and accredited accountants and tax practitioners that have helped thousands of individuals and businesses with their accounting and tax affairs. We will provide professional tax advice on how you can best minimize the amount of tax that you pay. Of course, as always, we'll do this in a legal way by using the tax laws to your advantage.

Meet The Founders

Siyabonga Mpanza (BAP) SA
B.Comm (Accounting), UKZN,
Managing Director

Bongiwe Mpanza
B.Comm (Accounting), UKZN,
Operations Director

James Kolarov


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Kelly Watson


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Mary Oblak


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Clark Alabim


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Meet The Rest Of The Team

They are the life blood of the operations here at The PTY Guy

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I choose a monthly accountant vs less frequent methods of accounting?

Monthly accounting services provide substantially more value than only an annual service. If an accountant only sees your numbers once a year, it is too late to offer advice that would have helped to make that year more profitable. And definitely too late to lower your tax liability for a year that is already over with. There are five ways monthly accounting pays for itself: 1) It saves you time, 2) You get regular business profitability advice, 3)You have peace of mind that your finances are handled, 4) Your tax liability is reduced, 5) You can make more proactive financial decisions.

What is an outsourced accountanting & tax service?

Outsourced accounting is a service which provides a full, accounting department experience for small businesses. An accounting department handles the day-to-day transaction coding, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, management financial reporting and many other services. 
Outsourced accounting providers have a full compliment of accounting professionals allowing them to offer a small team of accountants at a lower cost to hiring.

How does better accounting improve my bottom line?

Many small- and mid-size businesses fail to adequately measure and manage their finances, even though poor financial management is a major cause of business failure. If you don’t have good financial practices in place, your business could suffer in a number of ways, including lost revenue, insufficient tax planning, and missed financial opportunities. A great monthly accounting service will handle your profit and loss statements, monthly balance sheets, and regular account reconciliation to help you take back control of your finances without much effort on your part.

Why should I separate my business & personal finances?

Mixing business and personal finances is a major problem for small-business owners. Not only does it create headaches at tax time, it also makes it difficult to track the profitability of your company. Worse-case scenario: you get audited by SARS and end up with major fines. Keeping these two parts of your money life separate is essential to preserve your sanity and to ensure you have a sustainable business model.

Our Branches

Sandton Branch

Atrium on 5th, 9th Floor, 5th Street, Sandton, Johannesburg, 2196

Operating Hours:
Mon-Fri, 08h00 to 16h30
011 082 9869

Pietermaritzburg Branch

201 Peter Kerchoff Street, Dube House, Pietermaritzburg, KZN, 3201

Operating Hours:
Mon-Fri, 08h00 to 16h30
033 342 0539